What is The Purpose of a Root Canal?
The nerve of a tooth functions to provide hot and cold sensation, but other than that, it is not necessary to the tooth’s overall health and function.
If a tooth has a large cavity or is cracked, bacteria can enter the dental pulp and cause an infection. If not treated, that infection can cause an abscess, resulting in pain, swelling, and further deterioration of the tooth. Not only can the infected tissue injure your jawbones and surrounding teeth, it can also be detrimental to your overall health.
Signs You May Need a Root Canal
Teeth that need root canal therapy are not always painful, but common symptoms of an infected pulp include: biting pain, visible swelling, obvious damage or decay to the tooth, temperature sensitivity, lingering or spontaneous pain, discoloration of the tooth, discomfort that wakes you up in the middle of the night, or tenderness in the neighboring gums.